Blog Posts – Virtual Events Platform – Host amazing online events Thu, 23 Nov 2023 06:31:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog Posts – 32 32 How to Enhance Attendee Experience at Trade Show Booths Thu, 23 Nov 2023 06:31:53 +0000 Trade shows serve as powerful platforms for businesses to showcase their products and services, make connections, and generate leads. However, the success of a trade show booth isn’t solely determined by its size or glitz; it hinges on the attendee experience. 

In this blog, we’ll delve into the significance of attendee experience, how it influences booth success, and provide practical strategies for creating an exceptional attendee experience at your booth.

Significance of Attendee Experience at Trade Show Booths

On a recent episode of the EpicEvents podcast with Jim Cermak, the central topic of the discussion was “Booth Flow”.  As a professional trade show trainer and consultant, Jim describes booth flow as the experience and journey attendees go through when they visit a booth, and he believes it’s a critical factor in determining the success of a trade show. 

When someone shows up at your booth, what do they experience? What is the journey that you take them down? This experience, more than anything else, could be the make or break of the success of your participation at the event.

It’s crucial to grasp that attendees are the lifeblood of your booth’s success. Their experience within your booth serves as a pivotal factor that can substantially impact your brand’s reputation and determine your ability to attain your objectives. Let’s delve deeper into why attendee experience holds such significance:

Networking Opportunities

Trade shows are unique hubs for forging connections. They bring together potential customers, partners, and industry peers under one roof. Attendees get the opportunity to connect in person, fostering relationships that can be immensely valuable. An exceptional attendee experience can set the stage for meaningful interactions, helping you establish a network that may lead to future collaborations, partnerships, or sales.

Networking at trade show booths

Brand Perception

The impressions attendees form about your brand during their interactions at your booth are a crucial factor in shaping your company’s image. A positive experience leaves a lasting impact, leading to a favorable view of your organization. On the flip side, an uninspiring experience can tarnish your brand’s reputation. Attendees often equate the quality of your booth experience with the overall quality and professionalism of your business.

Lead Generation

One of the primary goals of any trade show booth is to generate leads. Engaged attendees – those who are genuinely interested and excited about what you offer – are more likely to willingly share their contact information. You can then transform this information into valuable leads for your sales and marketing teams to follow up with after the event. An exceptional booth experience can make the difference between passive attendees and proactive leads.

Event organizer using lead capture and retrieval app

Impact of Attendee Experience on Booth Success

The attendee experience isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a critical component of booth success. A well-crafted experience can lead to increased foot traffic, higher engagement, and better conversion rates. Here’s how you can attract attendees to your booth and offer them an unforgettable experience. 

1. Create an Eye-catching Booth Design

An appealing booth design is your first opportunity to attract attendees. Your trade show booth design is the initial handshake you extend to potential attendees. To make a lasting impression, consider incorporating elements that are visually striking and distinctive.

Unique shapes can set your booth apart from the crowd. While standard rectangular booths are common, experimenting with different shapes—like circular or triangular layouts—can pique curiosity. Bold colors, when used tastefully, can make your booth stand out even from a distance. However, ensure that these colors align with your brand identity and evoke the right emotions.

Attention-grabbing displays are also essential for drawing attendees in. These displays can take various forms, from interactive installations to eye-catching product showcases. They should provide a glimpse of what your brand represents and what attendees can expect to discover within your booth.

2. Incorporate  Compelling Visuals

Visuals are a powerful tool for conveying information and creating an emotional connection with your audience. High-quality graphics, images, and videos can speak volumes about your brand’s value proposition.

Graphics should be well-designed and visually appealing, reflecting your brand’s identity. They should be clear, easy to understand, and consistent in style. Images can tell a story, showcasing your products or services in action and helping attendees visualize their benefits.

Videos can be particularly compelling. Short, engaging videos can communicate complex ideas quickly. They can demonstrate product features, share customer testimonials, or provide a virtual tour at your booth. 

3. Utilizing Lighting and Signage Effectively

Don’t underestimate the power of simple things like lighting, smells, and sounds; they can make your booth unforgettable. Strategic lighting and signage are crucial for guiding attendees’ attention within your booth. According to Jim, “Lighting can create focal points, drawing attendees’ eyes to specific areas or products. For example, spotlighting a new product or a live demonstration can generate intrigue.” It’s essential to strike a balance between highlighting key areas and avoiding excessive brightness, which can be overwhelming.

Clear signage is equally important. Attendees should be able to quickly grasp your booth’s purpose and what you offer. Use concise messaging that conveys your unique selling points. Bullet points or short phrases can be more effective than dense paragraphs. Ensure that signage is positioned at eye level and well-lit for readability.

4. Engaging Attendees Effectively

Engaging attendees effectively is a critical component of enhancing their overall experience at your trade show booth. It involves creating an environment where attendees are not just passive observers but active participants in meaningful interactions. Here’s how you can achieve this and make your booth memorable:

Attendees engaging at a trade show

Interactive Activities

Engage your booth visitors with interactive activities that capture their interest and curiosity. These can include product demonstrations, hands-on experiences, or interactive games and quizzes. Interactive activities provide attendees with a reason to spend time at your booth, giving you an opportunity to connect with them on a deeper level.

Knowledgeable and Engaging Booth Staff

Your booth staff plays a pivotal role in attendee engagement. They should be well-trained in your products or services and possess effective communication skills. Approachability, enthusiasm, and a willingness to actively listen to attendees’ needs are other crucial traits. Staff should be ready to answer questions, provide information, and initiate conversations.

Tailoring the Pitch

One-size-fits-all approaches rarely work at trade shows. Instead, tailor your engagement to individual attendees. Start by understanding their needs and pain points. Ask open-ended questions to uncover their specific challenges and goals. Then, customize your pitch to address their unique requirements. This personalized approach makes attendees feel valued and more likely to engage.

5. Body Language, Tone, and Personal Traits

The non-verbal cues exhibited by your booth staff can significantly impact the attendee experience. Encourage your team to maintain open and approachable body language. Smiles, eye contact, and a welcoming posture create an inviting atmosphere. Additionally, tone of voice matters, it should convey confidence and enthusiasm, mirroring the excitement of the event.

Attendees instinctively react to the body language of booth staff. Open and approachable body language signals friendliness, making attendees more comfortable approaching your booth. Train  your booth staff to speak to prospects in a tone that conveys emotions, enthusiasm, and professionalism. It’s an auditory cue that sets the mood for interactions. A confident tone suggests expertise and assurance in your offerings. It reassures attendees that they are dealing with knowledgeable professionals. 

6. Offer Giveaways and Contests

Offering food, giveaways and hosting contests at your trade show booth is a surefire way to elevate the attendee experience. Jim believes food holds a unique power, “food brings back memories and engages attendees on a personal level; it’s a powerful way to connect.” A simple candy bowl can start conversations and attract qualified leads; it’s a fun way to get the conversation started. These tactics serve as powerful magnets, drawing in attendees with the allure of prizes, freebies, and the thrill of competition. Beyond merely attracting booth traffic, giveaways and contests create a sense of excitement and engagement, making attendees feel valued and appreciated. 

These interactions also provide an opportunity to showcase your products or services, gather valuable data, and leave a memorable impression. By strategically structuring these initiatives, you not only enhance the attendee experience but also generate leads and extend your brand’s reach beyond the trade show floor.

The Role of Event Technology

Event technology plays a critical role in elevating the attendee experience at trade show booths. It offers innovative ways to capture and hold attendees’ interest, keeping them engaged and making their interactions with your booth more memorable. 

Engagement Tools

Utilizing event technology, you can implement a variety of engagement tools such as interactive polls, surveys, and live Q&A sessions. These tools encourage active participation from attendees. Interactive polls and surveys enable you to gather valuable insights, while live Q&A sessions facilitate real-time interactions, addressing attendees’ questions and concerns. These tools not only keep attendees engaged but also provide a platform for meaningful conversations and data collection.

Virtual Reality

Incorporating virtual reality experiences at your booth takes attendee engagement to a whole new level. VR can provide immersive product demonstrations or virtual tours, allowing attendees to explore your offerings in a more interactive and engaging way. Whether it’s a 360-degree tour of your services or a hands-on product showcase, VR creates a memorable and impactful experience that sets your booth apart from the rest.

Interactive Touchscreens and Displays

Interactive touchscreens and displays with user-friendly interfaces empower attendees to explore your products or services at their own pace. These interactive tools offer a more personalized and self-guided experience, increasing engagement and information retention. Attendees can navigate through product catalogs, watch informative videos, or access in-depth information about your offerings. By allowing attendees to interact with your content, you empower them to tailor their experience, making it more relevant to their needs and interests. 


The attendee experience at trade show booths is the cornerstone of booth success. By creating an eye-catching booth design, engaging effectively through body language and tone, offering giveaways and contests, and harnessing event technology, you can enhance the attendee experience, leading to stronger connections, higher lead generation, and ultimately, greater success at trade shows. As you plan your next event remember this advice Jim Cermak shared with us, “Attendees are not just visitors; they are potential partners, clients, and advocates for your brand. Treat them to an exceptional experience, and you’ll reap the rewards.”

Watch the complete webcast here: 

4 Steps to Mastering Booth Flow | CHAPTER 22 | Epic Events by vFairs | JAN 25 nonadult
Maximizing Event Success with a Comprehensive Post-Event Report Wed, 08 Nov 2023 07:07:54 +0000 Hosting a successful event takes meticulous planning, hard work, and strategic execution. However, the journey doesn’t end when the event wraps up. It’s equally important to kick back, take a breather, and evaluate the event’s performance to gather insights for future improvements. 

In this blog, we’ll dive into the importance of a comprehensive post-event report and how it can level up your event planning game. Whether you’re an event organizer, marketer, or business owner, understanding the power of post-event reports can make a significant difference in your event’s success.

Post event report
Post-Event Report

Why You Need a Post-Event Report

Imagine hosting an event, investing considerable time and resources into its planning and execution, and then being left in the dark about its impact. A post-event report serves as your trusty compass, navigating you through the sea of event data and providing insights into key aspects of your event’s performance. 

Event reporting goes beyond mere numbers and statistics, offering a comprehensive evaluation of your event’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. The insights derived from this post-event analysis serve as valuable lessons for making your next event even better.

Here’s a breakdown of why a post-event report is indispensable:

Measure Event Success 

A post-event report opens a window into understanding the true success of your event. It quantifies key metrics such as attendance, engagement, and revenue, shedding light on the event’s tangible impact.

Identify Opportunities for Growth

While celebrating successes is crucial, post-event reports also help in finding untapped opportunities. By looking into attendee feedback and behavior, you can pinpoint areas for growth and improvement that can lead to even greater success in future events.

Refine Marketing Strategies 

In-depth analysis of ticket sales and real-time event analytics like registration data provide valuable insights into which marketing channels were most effective. This information in the post-event evaluation report allows you to fine-tune your marketing strategies, ensuring you reach the right audience with the right message.

Enhance Customer Relationships 

Events are more than just transactions; they’re the key to building relationships. Post-event reports help you understand attendee preferences and behaviors, enabling you to tailor your marketing efforts for better audience engagement.

Boost ROI 

By evaluating the success of past events and identifying areas for improvement, you can significantly increase your return on investment (ROI) for upcoming events.

Types of Post-Event Reports

Post-event reports come in various types, each focusing on specific aspects of your event:

  • Registration & Attendance Reports: Compare registration numbers to actual attendance, offering a key indicator of pre-event engagement and the effectiveness of marketing and ticket pricing strategies. Attendance Reports provide insights into attendance trends over time.
  • Engagement Reports: Analyze attendee participation to uncover preferred subject matter and content types, allowing you to tailor your post-event marketing campaigns more effectively. These reports offer valuable insights into what resonates most with your audience.
  • Exhibitor Reports: Gather valuable insights into exhibitor performance, including booth traffic, scans, and attendee engagement with booth content, to demonstrate the event’s ROI to partners.
  • Lead Capture Reports: Essential for event hosts, sponsors, and exhibitors, providing insights for effective lead follow-ups.
  • Social Media Reports: These reveal how your event was discussed and shared on social media platforms, offering insights into attendee sentiment and social media impact.
  • Meeting & Chat Reports: Essential for B2B events, these event wrap-up reports detail the number of meetings held, accepted, and declined, providing insights into the value created for participants.
  • Marketing Reports: These dive deep into your event marketing campaign, offering insights into target audiences, strategies, tactics, and metrics.
  • Lessons Learned: Capturing key takeaways, both positive and negative, these reports help you make informed decisions for future events.

Mastering the Art of Post-Event Reporting: Unveiling the Insights

Alright, let’s get to work. The curtains have closed, the last chat box has been signed off, and your event has successfully concluded. Now, what’s next? It’s time to unveil the magic of post-event reporting! 

The Metrics That Matter

First up, let’s talk numbers. What event-based metrics should you track and include in your post-event report? Well, the usual suspects include attendance, registrations, ticket sales, and sessions attended. But don’t stop there! Get specific to your event type.

  • Trade Show Metrics: Keep an eye on the products ordered, booths visited, meetings scheduled, and leads captured to gauge the success of your trade show.
  • Career/Job Fair Metrics: Evaluate the jobs viewed, jobs applied to, booths visited, and meetings scheduled to measure the impact of your career or job fair.
  • Conference Metrics: Monitor the sessions attended, chats hosted, documents viewed or downloaded, and links clicked to assess the performance of your conference.

Setting Objectives and KPIs

What do you want to achieve with your event? Is it brand awareness, lead generation, or something else? If you have defined clear objectives and relevant KPIs before starting the event, these reports will provide a clear measure of your event’s success based on those objectives and KPIs. 

Structuring the Report

When structuring your post-event report, think of it as telling a story. Start with an executive summary, giving a quick overview of the event’s highlights. Then, search into the metrics, objectives, and KPIs you defined earlier. Share the details on what worked and what didn’t.

Here’s all the important information that you need to add to your post-event report:

  • Event Overview: This includes all the high-level information – date, venue, speakers, ticket price, etc.
  • Event Objective: Fill this section by telling the purpose of the event.
  • Metrics: Mention the metrics you draw up before the event and compare them with what you have achieved.
  • Achievements and Recommendations: Mention the details of what worked well and what we can improve in future events. 
  • Budget: Give a high-level view of budget performance. 
  • Attendee Information: Use this section to mention the number of details from attendees including the number of attendees, number of tickets sold, age groups, number of students & professionals, etc.
  • Event Venue: Mention all the information, observations, and recommendations regarding the venue including operations, maintenance, provided facilities, and services. 
  • Registration & Check-Ins: Use this section to put insights and suggestions regarding the registration and check-in process.
  • Logistics: In this section, cover the logistics part of your event; everything from setup to pack up. 
  • Feedback: Use this section to mention key insights received from the delegate feedback form, testimonials, and social media mentions.
  • Promotional Activities: Mention the summary of promotional activities through the website, social media, and other forums with visuals, cost, and reach.
  • Visual Highlights: Use this section to add some event visuals to showcase the exciting moments and highlights of the event.

Leverage AI for Quick Insights

Efficiency is the name of the game. Nobody wants to spend endless hours crunching numbers. That’s where technology comes to the rescue. vFairs’ AI reporting chatbot can do the heavy lifting for you. It churns out event reports faster than you can say “post-event analysis.” 

vFairs AI Chatbot
vFairs AI Reporting Chatbot

This chatbot is your event analytics companion, simplifying the complex process of sifting through mountains of event data. Instead of spending a long time looking through reports, event organizers can now ask the chatbot questions in a conversational tone. In mere seconds, it delivers comprehensive insights, eliminating the need for manual research and hours spent scanning reports. 

This efficiency empowers event organizers to make informed decisions swiftly, ensuring timely and effective improvements to their events. Say goodbye to the grueling process, and welcome the ease and speed of our AI chatbot, your event analytics companion.

Besides our event analytics chatbot, we also provide comprehensive event reports in CSV format. These reports offer insights into attendee data and engagement metrics, giving event organizers structured and customizable data. Whether you choose our chatbot for ease or CSV reports for flexibility, we’re here to simplify data-driven decision-making for your events.

Plus, if you ever get stuck sorting a detailed CSV report, remember that vFairs offers dedicated PM (Project Manager) support. They’re like event-reporting superheroes, ready to assist you. They can help you at every step of the event planning process; from day one to curtain call. You can simply ask your PM for the report you want to generate, and they will get it right to you.


Post-event reports make it easier for event organizers to navigate the seas of event planning and evaluation. They offer invaluable insights into your event’s success, helping you measure its impact, identify growth opportunities, and optimize your marketing strategies. With the correct data and tools, you can impress sponsors, build better customer relationships, and increase your ROI for future events. Don’t let your event’s data go to waste!


How Pop-Up Events Can Improve Your Attendee Engagement Strategy Tue, 07 Nov 2023 11:20:33 +0000 A delighted audience.

That is the dream. 

Creating delightful and memorable experiences for your audiences can be a tough nut to crack as an event organizer, but it isn’t impossible. A few creative tricks are sometimes all you need.

If you haven’t considered pop-up events as part of your event engagement strategy, you’re missing out. This blog will tell you all there is to know about setting up successful popup events that will delight your audiences and leave them wanting more.

What is a Pop-Up Event?

Pop-up events are small events hosted for a specific audience, in a unique setting, and are usually temporary and full of surprise elements. The main goals of hosting a pop-up event are to engage audiences by creating a memorable experience, spread awareness of your products, and reel in an all-new customer base.  

Pop-up events are usually hosted in an in-person, virtual, or hybrid setting only for a few hours or days. They can be anything from a temporary online store, an unexpected storefront to promote a newly launched product, or a simple booth set up at the country fair. The possibilities are endless, and you can be as creative as you like.    

Types of Pop-Up Events

types of pop-up events

You can provide a fun and memorable way for audiences to discover what your brand is and what it can offer through pop-up events. However, based on your goals for the event, you can divide pop-up events into different types. Let’s explore some of them. 

1. Surprise Pop-Up Events

A surprise pop-up event is almost always going to be a temporary setup. It leaves a lot of room for your creative teams to whip up something truly amazing for your audiences. By definition, any such event should take your audience by surprise and leave them in awe of what just happened. For example, you may want to host a surprise concert at the end of a boring conference to leave your attendees delighted. It will be something they’ll remember for a long time because they weren’t expecting it. 

2. Pop-Ups for a Product Launch 

Most event organizers use pop-up events to launch a new product. You may have seen pop-up stalls in various malls or community centers from retail stores. A pop-up stall can be easy to set up and your target audience gets to see, use, and hold the product. You can use fabulous designs, standees, and screens to attract customers.   

3. Marketing Pop-Ups

Other than marketing a newly launched product, you can also set up pop-up event marketing stores to market your products in general. Pop-up stores allow you to meet your customers face-to-face and leave a lasting impression. You can use pop-up events to tell them more about your company’s values, culture, services, and so much more. 

4. Permanent Pop-Ups

While most pop-up events only last a couple of hours or a few days, some can end up becoming permanent. If you’re looking for a place to start your retail business, a temporary-to-permanent pop-up store can be a great way to test the waters and find the best location. You can set up shop somewhere, and if the venue is a success for you, make it permanent! 

5. Seasonal Pop-Ups

Many businesses run special events for occasions like Eid, Christmas, Diwali, or other seasonal events. These can be discounted shops or themed stalls. Seasonal pop-ups can be a good way to celebrate diversity, add a fun element to your marketing, and generate traffic and sales.

6. Pop-up Restaurants

Food fairs are very popular in most parts of the world. Pop-up restaurants or food trucks are a great way to attract new customers while simultaneously keeping your costs low. They are easier to run and have minimal overhead costs thus making them a great investment. Moreover, you can meet people at the fair, include fun games, and even special menu items to keep it fresh.

7. Retail Pop-Ups

Retail stores often host pop-up events to promote their brand and sell their products. These stores are temporary setups and are often stationed in a mall or a busy shopping area. It is a great way to get yourself a prime spot with great customer footfall and generate some quick revenue.   

8. Digital Storefront Pop-Ups

Many retail stores choose to build digital pop-up storefronts for their business. They are virtual replicas of physical storefronts and are often virtual trade shows. The immersive experience allows online visitors to shop around, walk in aisles, and explore all the products up for sale. 

These are only some of the types of pop-up events that you can host if they align with your goals. However, the possibilities are endless and you can be creative with what you want to host and achieve with your events.

9. Virtual Pop-up

A virtual pop-up event can be a fantastic way for retail stores or companies to sell their products or services online in a creative way. Many online pop-ups are fantastic ways for retailers to develop strategic relationships with their potential clients. They are a great way to capture the attention of global audiences in this fast-paced world. Moreover, virtual pop-up events can also be used for marketing, product launches, or setting up online subscriptions for customers looking for a discount. 

9 Tips for Hosting Successful Pop-Up Events

Hosting a pop-up event requires a creative flair and fantastic event planning skills. You have to execute your event logistics strategically to make sure your creative vision comes to life. Here are a few essential tips on how to plan a pop-up event that will bear actual results.

1. Nail Your Event Goal

Whether you’re hosting a pop-up event for a small business or an enterprise, you need to align on an event goal. For pop-up events, it is best to make your event goal as specific as you can. You should keep this goal in mind when you’re selecting the venue, chalking out pop-up details, and thinking of product placements.    

You can’t possibly do anything and everything with a pop-up event. Therefore, take your time to carve out what you want to achieve and set priorities accordingly.

2. Plan Logistics

When you’re hosting at a unique location you probably won’t find everything you’re looking for readily available. Moreover, temporary setups might involve more strategic onsite planning as you’ll need to sort out food, transport, electricity, and other basic utilities. Therefore, one of the first things you need to do is find the best flow of how you’re going to run things.

Logistics can make or break the success of your event so think of everything in advance, make contingency plans, and always be prepared for the unexpected.

3. Focus on Design

With a pop-up event, you want to stand out, and you want to make a difference. Therefore, the design and aesthetics of your event will be very important. You can think of a theme or focus your designs around a certain product or service. The better-looking event you throw, the more crowd you will likely pull.

4. Use Event Technology

Event management platforms often have ticketing software, badge printing solutions, and event networking tools that can help you organize a great pop-up event. Instead of doing things manually, make sure you leverage event management technology to boost your audience’s experience. If you want to make it memorable, you should invest in tech that helps you achieve all your event goals and streamlines processes for you.

5. Give Out Freebies

“I don’t like free stuff”, said no one ever.

If you want to attract crowds, you’ve got to make it worth their while. Not everyone will be immediately interested in your product, but free swag will make them want to take a look anyway. You can organize games and give away prizes to the winners. You can also lure some people in with free food, a coffee stand, or goodie bags with official merch.

6. Market Your Event with a Stellar Strategy

No one will come to your event if they don’t know about it. Being loud with your promotional activities can help you spread the word effectively and fast. You want to make as much noise as possible with pre-event marketing so that when you’re live, there’s a crowd waiting for you to open your doors!

7. Go Big on Opening Day

Pop-up events aren’t here to last forever so you want to make an impact – and fast. This means that you have to start as early as the opening day. Don’t wait to play all your best cards till the end. The opening day is your chance to make as many people interested and through the doors as you can. When the launch is big, it will attract even more people to visit in the coming hours or days as the event goes on. This is the best way to capitalize on your audience’s FOMO!

8. Host Sustainably

Sustainable event planning is not only the responsible thing to do but also a great way to appeal to environmentally conscious crowds. Many event organizers can forget about the waste they’re producing as they host temporary events. The flyers you print, backdrops, standees, food waste, and general debris that you leave behind are all things you can easily curtail. 

Do the right thing by focusing on hosting a carbon-neutral and sustainable pop-up event. You will please crowds, make a conscious effort to go green, and might as well save costs by choosing digital venues or marketing collateral.  

You can also host sustainable physical pop-up events by designing a reusable and portable booth setup. You can ship the booth to any location you want and reuse the collateral as many times as possible. Some of the things you can reuse are portable standees, signage across the booth, and acrylic stands. 

vFairs portable booth set up.

9. Collect Feedback

As your event progresses, you need to collect feedback from most (if not all) of the people that showed up. Feedback is vital for providing consistently great events and improving things even further. You can design small polls for event attendees, or just people a few questions as they walk out. Whatever means of feedback you pick, use it to make better decisions and improve the attendee experience.

3 Inspiring Pop-Up Event Examples

Pop-up events aren’t easy to host if you want to make them unique. They are popular with many global organizations and you can take an idea or two from how they host their events. Here are some popular examples to get you started:

1. Nike’s Unlaced Pop-Up Store

nike unlaced popup event
Pictures courtesy of Nike. Photographed by Leandro Farino.

Unlaced is one of Nike’s most popular signature sneaker collections. At the time of their launch, Nike hosted a pop-up event in Paris and many other major cities around the world. These events were one of a kind and made the new collection an instant success.

What Worked: Nike included a corner for customizable shoe designs and interactive installations to wow their audience. The events were a completely immersive experience for attendees and made them feel engaged at every step. 

2. HBO’s Westworld Pop-Up

hbo pop-up event
The piano at the Mariposa Saloon / HBO [Official]

When HBO launched the highly anticipated second season of the acclaimed TV series Westworld, they organized an unforgettable pop-up event that left a lasting impression on all attendees. The pop-up activation event took place in Austin and left the audience in avid anticipation of the new season of the hit series.

What Worked: The event was a real-life peek into the Westworld universe. HBO chose a Wild West theme for it. They brought in actors and created lifelike sets to offer fans a chance to experience the show’s world. 

3. Fortnite Party Royale Pop-up Event

fortnite pop-up event
Picture courtesy: Twitter @FortniteGame

The popular online battle royale game, Fortnite, hosted a series of events called the Party Royale. These unique pop-up events were virtual and happened within the game’s massive maps. Fortnite left players hints throughout the gameplay before they launched the event. 

What Worked: Celebrities like Young Thug, Diplo, and Noah Cyrus performed live concerts within the game. They hosted multiple in-game activities and made sure every player knew something big was coming up with their pre-event hints like half-built buildings and unique new structures. 

Host Successful Pop-Up Events with Event Management Tech

Whether you’re planning for an enterprise or a small business, pop-up events should be a part of your event strategy. They are ideal to bring audiences together in a fun way and improve attendee engagement. 

However, pop-up events can be difficult to execute properly without the right event management technology. You should invest in the right tech that can help you power through your event planning process from start to finish. Look for features like ticketing and registration, stellar streaming options, event marketing tools, and attendee engagement features among others.   

8 Reasons Why You Need an All-in-one Event Tech Software Wed, 15 Nov 2023 17:17:53 +0000 Imagine you’re at a huge conference, and everyone is seamlessly navigating their way through the event using just their smartphones. Remote attendees are present virtually from across the globe, in-person attendees enter the venue with a swift QR code scan. They can instantly access tailored event schedules, and participate in interactive sessions. Moreover, event organizers monitor real-time data to ensure a flawless experience.

This vivid image exemplifies the power of event tech, the driving force behind today’s successful gatherings, meetings, and conferences.

What is Event Technology?

Event technology, often referred to as event tech, includes a wide range of digital tools and software designed to facilitate and improve the various aspects of event planning, management, and execution. Think of it as a toolbox that event organizers use to create unforgettable experiences for attendees.

Different types of event technology
Types of Event Technology

The Evolving Landscape of Event Tech 

Event technology is not static; it’s a dynamic field that continually evolves to meet the changing demands of the industry and the preferences of attendees. Keeping a pulse on event technology trends is crucial for staying competitive in the field of event management.

For instance, the global pandemic witnessed a surge in new technology for events. This led event tech companies to quickly create online platforms that mimic in-person experiences, making it possible to reach a broader audience. 

While virtual events remain relevant post-pandemic, there’s been a shift in focus in terms of event technology. To serve a hybrid and in-person audience, we are seeing advancements in mobile apps like lead capture, badge printing and scanning as well as event apps.

A person scanning a badge for QR code at an event
QR Code Scanning

Innovations like Artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) are more commonly incorporated into event engagement technology. They offer personalized content suggestions, boost engagement, and create immersive experiences. These advancements are changing how attendees engage with events.

Overall, staying in the loop with the latest trends is a must for event professionals. The rise of AI is making events more personalized and efficient. It’s also becoming common to find tech elements in traditional, in-person events. Virtual events are not just about attendance; they’re transforming how companies handle things like team-building and training. Lastly, flexibility is the name of the game, as attendees want options for fully virtual, hybrid, or in-person experiences. Staying with the times and embracing innovation is key to creating standout events and staying competitive in the field. The future holds exciting possibilities as technology continues to reshape the event landscape.

Event Tech’s Versatility

From small business gatherings to large-scale conferences, event tech has reshaped how events are planned, executed, and experienced. It serves as the driving force behind innovation, efficiency, and enhanced attendee engagement.

The landscape of event management tools is diverse, offering solutions tailored to various needs and preferences. However, this diversity can sometimes be overwhelming, especially for small business owners or those new to the world of event planning. The abundance of choices and features may leave them wanting to know which tools are truly essential for their specific event.

It’s important to recognize that not all events require an extensive suite of event tech features, and investing in overly complex tools can be impractical. This complexity may lead to unnecessary expenses and a steeper learning curve, potentially dissuading some users from fully embracing event technology.

For companies that frequently organize events, the solution lies in adopting a comprehensive all-in-one event management technology that streamlines the entire process. Such platforms are designed to provide a unified and user-friendly experience, simplifying event planning and execution.

Event Registration Form - Event Tech
Event Tech

Benefits of All-in-One Event Technology

All-in-one event technology covers everything from event registration and ticketing to marketing, attendee engagement, and data analytics. This consolidation of features into a single platform not only saves time and resources but also ensures seamless integration and data flow between different aspects of event management.

By opting for an all-in-one event technology solution, businesses can access a suite of tools and functionalities within a single platform. This not only reduces the complexity of managing multiple tools but also offers cost-efficiency and a consistent user experience.

All-in-one event tech is reshaping the very foundations of event planning and execution. Let’s delve deeper into a comprehensive understanding of its advantages. 

1. Streamlined Event Planning

One of the standout advantages of all-in-one event tech is its ability to streamline the event planning process. Rather than juggling multiple tools and systems for tasks like registration, ticketing, marketing, and communication, event planners can access all these functionalities from a single platform. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors and inconsistencies, ensuring a smoother and more efficient planning phase.

Hybrid Event Technology
Hybrid Event Technology

2. Cost-Efficient Event Management

Cost-effectiveness is another significant perk of all-in-one event tech. By consolidating various tools and services into one platform, businesses can significantly reduce their expenses. They no longer need to invest in and manage multiple subscriptions, which can quickly add up. This cost-efficient approach allows organizations to allocate their budgets more wisely, focusing resources on other critical aspects of their events.

3. Improved User Experience

For event hosts and organizers, an improved user experience is essential for seamless event management. All-in-one event tech provides just that; a cohesive, user-friendly interface that simplifies tasks. Event planners can effortlessly navigate through various features, customize settings, and monitor event progress in real time. This enhanced user experience translates into smoother operations and a more positive overall event management experience.

4. Better Attendee Experience

All-in-one event technology service is designed not only for event organizers but also with attendees in mind. It offers various touch points throughout the attendee journey, making it easier for participants to engage with the event. From registration and personalized schedules to interactive sessions and networking opportunities, attendees benefit from an integrated experience that keeps them engaged and satisfied.

5. Simplified Compliance with One Vendor

Managing compliance and data security can be daunting when dealing with multiple vendors and tools. With all-in-one event planning technology, you can significantly reduce this headache. Organizations have a single vendor to coordinate with, simplifying compliance procedures and data management. This not only ensures security but also eases the administrative burden on event organizers.

6. User-Friendly Interface

The simplicity and intuitiveness of an all-in-one event tech platform are crucial for successful event management. Event planners, regardless of their technical proficiency, can easily adapt to and use the platform efficiently. This user-friendliness minimizes training time and maximizes productivity.

7. Scalability for All Event Sizes

Whether organizing a small corporate meeting or a large-scale international conference, all-in-one event tech can adapt to the event’s size and complexity. It offers scalability that allows event planners to cater to their specific needs, ensuring that the platform remains a valuable tool regardless of the event’s scale.

8. Creative Customization and Experimentation Time

Finally, all-in-one event tech empowers event organizers with the luxury of time for creativity and experimentation. With streamlined processes, reduced administrative tasks, and accessible attendee engagement tools, planners can devote more time to customizing and enhancing the event experience. This freedom fosters innovation and allows for unique, memorable events that stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Key Considerations When Choosing an All-in-One Event Technology Provider

Selecting the right all-in-one event tech is vital to the success of an event. The market offers a wide array of options, making it essential to assess your choices carefully. Let’s walk through the essential factors to weigh when selecting an all-in-one event technology service. From evaluating costs to prioritizing data security, here’s a comprehensive roadmap to ensure your choice aligns perfectly with your event management requirements and objectives.

Cost Evaluation

Cost is a crucial factor when choosing an all-in-one event tech. Begin by assessing your budget and understanding the pricing structures of the solutions available. Consider not just the initial costs but also any ongoing expenses, such as subscription fees or additional charges for features. 

Opt for event technology providers that offer transparent pricing models. Hidden fees or unclear pricing structures can lead to budget overruns and frustration. Request detailed pricing information and clarification on any potential additional costs to make an informed decision. A clear understanding of the total cost of ownership is essential to avoid unexpected financial burdens down the road.

Tool and Device Compatibility

Ensure that the solution you choose is compatible with the tools and devices you currently use or plan to incorporate. Compatibility issues can lead to integration challenges and hinder the seamless flow of data and information. Verify that the event tech platform can integrate smoothly with your existing systems, reducing the risk of operational disruptions.

Data Security and Compliance

Data security is non-negotiable, especially when handling sensitive attendee information. Prioritize software solutions that adhere to stringent security protocols and compliance standards, such as GDPR or HIPAA, depending on your event type. Ensure that the software vendor has robust measures in place to protect your data and the data of your attendees.

Ease of Use and Implementation

User-friendliness is a critical factor, as an intuitive interface can significantly impact the efficiency of your event management. Assess the ease of use and implementation by requesting demos or trials. A solution that is easy to navigate and implement can save you time and resources during the onboarding process.

Customization Possibilities

Every event is unique, and your software should be adaptable to your specific needs. Consider the customization options available within the software. The ability to tailor the software to match your event’s branding and requirements can be a game-changer in delivering a personalized attendee experience. 

Some software solutions offer more autonomy, allowing you to tailor the platform to your specific needs. Assess whether the software aligns with your desired level of control and customization.

Event customization settings
Event Customization

Scalability for Future Expansion

As your events grow and evolve, your event tech should grow with you. Choose an event management technology that offers scalability, enabling you to expand and adapt to changing event requirements. This scalability ensures that your investment remains valuable in the long run.

Customer Support

Reliable customer support is essential when you encounter issues or have questions about the software. Evaluate the level of customer support offered by the event tech vendor, including response times, availability, and support channels. Prompt and helpful customer support can save you time and frustration in the event of challenges.

How to Choose the Right Event Technology

The choice of event technology can significantly impact the outcome of your event. It’s a decision that requires thoughtful consideration and a strategic approach. Here’s what you need to do: 

Assess Your Event Tech Needs

Before diving into the sea of event technology options, it’s crucial to start by assessing your specific needs. Consider the nature and scale of your event, the goals you wish to achieve, and the challenges you aim to overcome. Identifying these needs provides a clear framework for evaluating potential solutions.

Also, decide if you’d rather do things on your own or if you need some extra help. Some event tech tools are all about self-service, while others come with built-in support. Your choice should match your team’s skills and how much assistance you think you’ll need.

Collect Peer Reviews and Recommendations

Lean into your network to solicit reviews and recommendations from those who’ve used technology for events. Their insights can provide valuable perspectives on the practical use and effectiveness of different solutions.

Try Demos and Trials

Don’t commit to event technology blindly. Many providers offer demos and trials of their software. Take advantage of these opportunities to test drive the technology and gain a hands-on understanding of how it works. This firsthand experience can reveal whether the software aligns with your expectations and workflow.

Some providers go the extra mile by offering product tours, granting you the freedom to explore their solutions without the need for direct sales interactions. vFairs, for instance, offers a quick demo, allowing you to get a sneak peek into the platform’s capabilities and interface. 

Want to know more about vFairs? Book a demo now.

Request Demo

Collect Stakeholder Input

Incorporate the input of all relevant stakeholders within your organization. Different team members may have varying requirements or perspectives on what constitutes the ideal event technology. By gathering their input and insights, you ensure that the selected technology caters to the diverse needs of your team.

Make an Informed Decision

Finally, with a thorough understanding of your needs, insights from peers, and firsthand experience with demos or trials, you’re equipped to make an informed decision. Evaluate each option based on factors like cost, features, user-friendliness, and scalability. Choose the technology that best aligns with your event objectives and overall strategy.

vFairs is a reliable and comprehensive all-in-one event technology solution that streamlines event planning and execution. With vFairs, you gain access to a suite of essential features that can transform your events into seamless and unforgettable experiences. Contact us to know more about how our event tech can help you supercharge your events.


What are some key features to look for in event technology for exhibitors?

Important features include virtual booths, lead capture tools, analytics for measuring booth performance, integration with event apps, and interactive content capabilities. The right technology should empower exhibitors to connect with attendees and gather data effectively.

What does "innovation in events" mean, and why is it important?

Innovation in events refers to the adoption of creative, novel approaches and technologies to enhance the attendee experience, streamline event management, and achieve unique event objectives. It's vital for staying competitive, engaging audiences, and adapting to changing industry demands.

How can I incorporate event innovation into my next event?

To integrate innovation into your event, start by identifying your specific event goals and audience expectations. Explore new technologies, consider creative event formats, and stay informed about industry trends. Collaborate with event tech providers, industry experts, and your team to brainstorm and implement innovative solutions.

Increase Your Event’s Impact with Micro Events Mon, 06 Nov 2023 11:45:33 +0000 Take a moment and think about what you want to achieve from your event. Do you want to leave your attendees impressed by the event’s sheer size? Or do you want to actually impact how they think about a particular idea or how they can implement real change in their lives? 

Micro events have been a big trend for 2023 and will continue to be a great audience engagement strategy for 2024. According to Julius Solaris, “Huge events will grow a satellite of smaller events to offer intimate opportunities to sponsors and attendees.”

If your main goal from any event is to drive engagement and create niche experiences for your audiences, you need more than just a flagship event—you need impact. It is remarkable to see how smaller events can supercharge attendees’ impact and act as touchpoints for your audience throughout the year. When you’re hosting an event to open up new horizons of opportunities and discourse, size doesn’t matter.

What are Micro Events?

Micro events are small events, often linked together, that you can host throughout the year as a part of your events strategy. Micro events are often specifically curated for a segment of your audience and thus result in better resonance of your event’s key messaging. They are a testament to how bigger isn’t always better.

Micro events are a fairly new concept and were primarily virtual when they started. However, with the latest advancements in event management technology, they can be hosted in a myriad of different ways. A micro event could be a simple conference, a wedding, a music festival, an internal company event, or even a single-employer job fair.

Hosting a Micro Event

The strategy behind hosting a micro event can depend on what you want to achieve out of your event. There can be different end games and thus different strategies to lead you to your goals. However, there are two main ways organizations tend to host micro-events.

1. Breaking Up Larger Events

You can either host one big conference with hundreds of sessions, or you can break it up into smaller conferences with a handful of webinar sessions each. Planning a bigger event means you will need that much more money, resources, and time. It can be difficult to ask attendees to spend multiple days at a conference and take time out of their busy schedules.

Breaking up your bigger event into smaller chunks can work in a number of different ways. Micro events like these can help you follow the same theme over a number of different events. This means less time and financial investment overall.

Moreover, you also demand less commitment from attendees who are interested in joining you. They get the information gradually and you reduce the chances of overwhelming them.

2. Hosting Individually Scheduled Events

Your micro events don’t need to be connected with each other. They can each have a different set of target audiences and different goals. You can pick up a few topics for your micro events and individually schedule them on a monthly or quarterly basis. This can be a fantastic way to widen your reach as you can tailor each event for a specific audience segment.  

Micro Events Examples

examples of micro events

Micro events can be categorized into a few different types, with each being different in their mode of delivery and the event goal. 

1. Monthly Meetings

Regular pulse check-ins for your company’s employees, HR meetings, or company-wide town halls can all happen once a month. These can also include marketing events, outreach programs, or networking gatherings.

2. Customer Dinners

Many organizations tend to host occasional customer dinners to network with them in a more casual setting and reinstate any lost connections. These can be a great way to make your customers feel more valued and special. Moreover, such intimate events can also help solicit feedback from important customers. 

3. Product Launches

Every time you want to talk about a new product or even a product update, you can host a micro event to let your customers know about it. Product launch events can be virtual or hybrid depending upon the reach you are aiming for.

4. Internal Training

Employers often need to host training sessions for their employees to enhance their professional skills or familiarize them with company policies. 

5. Employee Onboarding

When you hire a new resource, a fair bit of training is required to get them comfortable with the new company and its processes. Onboarding events can be as small as you want and are a great way to make sure all your new hires are set up for success. 

6. Customer Outreach & Appreciation Events

Many organizations host frequent customer outreach events to stay connected with their audience. They can be fun events like the Eventeer Awards at vFairs where we honor the epic events our customers have hosted with us. They can also be remarkable learning experiences like DiscoverNext where we invite everyone to discuss the future of events with us. 

7. Seasonal Celebrations

You can add a festive touch to your events calendar with seasonal celebratory events like Christmas parties, Halloween-themed events, or Eid festivals. They are both fun and can promote multiculturalism at your organization.  

8. Open Houses

These can be a great way to bring your community together and showcase your product, venue, or services to them. Event organizers often host open houses for businesses that want to grow their audience and invest in brand awareness.

9. Informative Webinars

A webinar could be about any topic under the sun. You can invite prospects, customers, or the general public to join you through a webinar hosting platform. A webinar often has one or multiple speakers who share their insights and subject matter experience with the attendees, followed by a Q&A session.

10. Creative Workshops

Artists and creators often come together to brainstorm their ideas and share constructive critiques of each other’s work through workshops. They are very collaborative in nature and can be helpful in facilitating the creative process.

11. Networking Events

A professional networking event brings together a niche group of people who have similar interests or belong to the same industry. Attendees can talk to industry professionals, experts, keynote speakers, or other attendees at a networking event and share insights. You can also use networking events to garner a local customer base, raise public and brand awareness, or exchange ideas.

These are only a handful of micro event types and you can host all types of events on a smaller scale. Make sure to tailor the experience to your attendees and keep your event goal in mind while planning.  

8 Benefits of Hosting Micro Events

benefits of micro events

1. Reduced Costs

You can maximize your event budget and increase your ROI with micro-events. They are much smaller in nature and event organizers can save a ton of money on hosting and planning expenses. For instance, you won’t need as many hands on deck thus saving on labor costs and you can make do with a much smaller venue as well. 

2. Create Higher Demand with FOMO 

Fear of missing out (FOMO) can be one of the biggest factors in why people may sign up for your event. Creating that mystery and excitement around your event is easier with micro-events. You can easily market the “limited seats” as exclusivity and make it work in your favor. The more urgency you create in your event marketing, the more interest you can develop. 

3. Build Stronger Connections 

Micro events can help you get increased audience interaction and participation because of how intimate they are. As the events are targeted at a smaller number of people, there are better chances for attendees to network and make connections.  

4. Organize Tailored Experiences

Micro events are often tailored for a specific audience segment. This means that you can create a personalized and immersive experience for your audience and really speak to their individual needs.

5. Focused Messaging

As the events are smaller and curated for a niche audience, you can work with a very specific message for your audience. Event organizers can promote a niche product or talk about topics that aren’t of interest to the masses. This is hard to achieve for an event with a global reach and a diverse audience. 

6. Easier Follow-Up Communication

Micro events are not known for the number of people that attend them. The people who connect with you through a micro event are more than likely to have a strong interest in your business. Therefore, they are of great importance when you want to generate quality leads through the event. Since there won’t be too many irrelevant or cold lead captures, it will be easy to follow up with leads and collect genuine audience feedback.

7. Increase Brand Awareness

Many event marketers can use micro-events for event marketing and branding as well. They can be fantastic to create more brand awareness and get eyes on your business. You can use micro events to generate interest, build rapport, or showcase the latest happenings at your organization as well.

8. Easier Compliance with Local Laws 

Since micro events are smaller, they can be much easier to manage. Event organizers don’t have to worry about managing a big physical venue or compliance with local laws for venue size, attendee management, parking, etc. They reduce the hassle of event planning without compromising on event impact.

Leveraging All-In-One Event Management Tech to Host Micro Events 

Micro event management can come with its fair share of challenges as well. However, an event management platform should cover all your bases. Scalability goes in both directions and the ideal event management tech should also facilitate you to scale down your event size. You should look for a platform that can help you host online, through a hybrid format, or even in person. 

7 Actionable Strategies for Event Marketing on TikTok to Boost Event Reach Mon, 13 Nov 2023 17:42:14 +0000 It’s no surprise that TikTok is making waves in the events industry on social media. Event professionals have understood that TikTok is a dynamic tool for promoting events and engaging with the audience. With its massive reach and youthful user base, TikTok has become a go-to tool for selling event tickets and attracting new clients. 

This platform, adored by millennials and Gen Z, offers a unique blend of viral trends, influencer marketing, and video-sharing capabilities, making it a game-changer for event promotion. On TikTok, content thrives through viral phenomena and fosters a sense of community interaction, setting the stage for event marketers to attract their target audiences in innovative ways.

Why is TikTok so Popular?

TikTok has emerged as the platform of choice for sharing moments, trends, and creativity. Its algorithm curates users’ feeds with content from their preferred accounts and viral video trends. This algorithmic approach propels viral content to the forefront while nurturing genuine community engagement. TikTok has effectively tapped into the pulse of the digital age, driving its immense popularity and making it a prime destination for event marketing.

Tiktok Logo

Why Should You Consider TikTok for Event Marketing?

The Power of TikTok’s User Base

TikTok boasts an impressive and diverse user base, making it an attractive platform for event marketing. With over 834 million active users, TikTok provides an extensive audience to tap into. This broad reach ensures that your event promotions have the potential to reach a large and varied demographic, increasing the chances of connecting with your target audience.

Engaging Visual Content

TikTok’s format is centered around short, visually engaging videos. This format allows event marketers to convey information and create excitement about their events in a concise yet attractive way. The visual nature of TikTok enables you to showcase event highlights, behind-the-scenes moments, and teaser videos, effectively capturing viewers’ attention.

Viral Potential

TikTok is renowned for its viral content culture. The platform’s algorithm is adept at identifying and promoting content with the potential to go viral. This means that even small-scale event promotions can gain significant traction if they resonate with users. The viral nature of TikTok can exponentially increase the visibility of your event, generating buzz and anticipation.

Targeting a Younger Audience

According to TikTok stats of 2023, 419.9 million, or 38.5%, of TikTok users worldwide are between the ages of 18 and 24. TikTok primarily attracts a younger demographic, particularly Gen Z and millennials. If your event caters to this age group, TikTok becomes an ideal marketing platform. Younger audiences are more likely to engage with content on TikTok, making it an effective way to reach your desired event attendees. It aligns with the preferences and habits of this tech-savvy generation.

Authenticity and Real-Time Engagement

TikTok’s emphasis on authenticity and real-time engagement sets it apart from other social media platforms. Users appreciate genuine, unfiltered content, making TikTok the perfect platform to convey the unique aspects of your event. You can provide real-time updates, interact with your audience directly, and create a sense of authenticity that resonates with potential attendees.

How to Promote Your Event on TikTok

1. Experiment with TikTok’s Paid Advertising

A successful event marketing strategy often blends organic and paid ads. Whether launching a fresh campaign or updating an existing one, TikTok provides various paid ad options for event businesses. To start advertising on TikTok, register as a TikTok Business account, a straightforward process that involves basic details like email and name verification. Once approved (usually within 24 hours), you can unleash your advertising powers. 

TikTok provides a selection of 5 distinct ad types, each suited for specific event marketing objectives:

  • TopView and Brand Takeover: Ideal for driving ticket sales.
  • Branded Hashtag Challenge and Branded Effects: Effective for enhancing event engagement.
  • In-Feed Ads: Suitable for post-event hype and presale announcements.

2. Dive into Current TikTok Trends

Participating in viral trends can significantly expand your event’s reach on TikTok. By aligning your event marketing content with popular trends, you tap into a broader audience base. Whether jumping on a challenge or embracing a trending theme, timely participation can boost your event promotion efforts. 


It’s essential to research and identify relevant trends on TikTok and then tailor your content strategy accordingly. When your event content seamlessly integrates with ongoing trends, it becomes more discoverable and engaging for a wider audience. Incorporating trendy videos and popular sounds that are currently viral on TikTok can also enhance your video’s visibility and appeal, increasing the chances of viewers discovering your event page through searches. 

However, it’s crucial to strike the right balance between promotion and entertainment. “The content should avoid sounding overly promotional and instead focus on innovation, entertainment, and creativity to gain attention and engagement,” shared Tom McMahon, CEO of digital marketing agency MCM while speaking with vFairs.

3. Create a Unique Event Hashtag

Hashtag contests are a tried-and-true social media marketing strategy that can be adapted to TikTok as well. By running a hashtag campaign, you encourage your audience to participate and express their creativity through unique content creation.

According to Tom McMahon, one clever approach is to offer incentives for participants, such as discounts on event tickets for the first 100 uploads or exclusive offers. This not only motivates your audience to generate hashtag posts but also rapidly increases ticket sales, a primary goal in your event marketing strategy. Moreover, a well-executed hashtag campaign has a ripple effect, extending your event’s reach to a broader audience. It inspires others to spontaneously create content using your event’s unique hashtag, further enhancing your event’s visibility and engagement.

Ensure that your selected hashtag aligns with your event’s theme and purpose. When creating a hashtag specific to your event, aim for something distinctive that reflects your brand’s identity. Incorporate this hashtag into your TikTok videos to create a sense of unity and recognition among your audience.

4. Run Contests

Running a contest can be an effective TikTok event marketing strategy to boost engagement and promote your event. Contests offer a unique opportunity to not only engage your audience but also generate excitement and anticipation for your event. 

To get started, create a video announcement where you introduce the contest and outline the exciting prizes, such as free event tickets or VIP passes, that participants can win. Be sure to incorporate your unique hashtag specific to your contest. This hashtag will serve as a way to easily track and collect entries, making it convenient for both you and the participants.

For instance, if your event is a music festival, consider encouraging users to submit videos of themselves performing or lip-syncing to songs by the featured artists. Alternatively, for a consumer convention, prompt users to submit videos that showcase their interactions with your products or services. 

Tiktok contest announcement with cash prizes mentioned

5. Leverage Influencer Marketing

Much like on other social media platforms, influencer marketing holds significant sway on TikTok. Influencers act as trusted voices, endorsing your event and instilling confidence in your offerings among their followers.

The beauty of influencer marketing on TikTok lies in its speed and reach. By partnering with influencers who create content aligned with your event, you tap into their dedicated fan base. This can lead to a rapid influx of attention and interest in your event, potentially reaching millions of viewers within a short span. It’s not uncommon to find TikTok users with staggering follower counts, and forming partnerships with them can carry your event to the spotlight.

Moreover, influencer collaborations are not reserved solely for large-scale events. Even smaller events can benefit from local influencers who have a strong and loyal following within a specific geographic area. The followers of these influencers are more likely to trust their recommendations, making them valuable advocates for your event. In return, influencers often receive compensation, free event tickets, or VIP experiences, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship.

Tiktok Influencers
Source: Tiktok

6. Be Authentic

According to Tom, “One of the distinctive features setting TikTok apart from other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest is its emphasis on organic, user-generated content.”. TikTok users expect a raw, unpolished, and genuine feel in the videos they consume. The content that resonates most with the TikTok audience is not meticulously staged; rather, it simulates the perspective of someone experiencing an event firsthand. 

Event marketers can use the natural enthusiasm of event attendees to promote their events on TikTok. Encouraging attendees to compile clips of their event experiences and add native text and graphics can yield impressive results. Such user-generated content often garners more impressions and engagement compared to professionally produced, overly polished videos.

Moreover, to boost audience participation, consider running giveaways, showcasing users on your other social media platforms, and launching engaging social media challenges. These strategies leverage the organic nature of TikTok to connect with your audience on a more personal and authentic level, ultimately enhancing your event promotion efforts.

7. Implement Content Marketing Strategies on TikTok

TikTok’s content is short, creative, and to the point. When you watch TikToks on the “For You” page, you’ll see that they use exciting editing and tell stories quickly. These are the signs of the most liked content on TikTok. Aim to make videos in a similar style, while being unique.

Tom McMahon shared one smart strategy which is to use a content marketing chain. For example, you can make TikToks that catch your audience’s interest and then, in the same video, promote another piece of content like a blog post, an Instagram post, or a YouTube video. This helps you use content marketing to lead your audience to your main promotion center, which might be a webpage where most of your event ticket sales happen. 

Blog Content Repurposing
Content Repurposing

Key Takeaway

As event marketers increasingly explore the possibilities of TikTok, it becomes clear that embracing this platform offers a fresh and exciting avenue to connect with audiences and enhance event attendance. It excels in engaging younger audiences, capitalizing on authenticity, visual content, and viral trends. By staying innovative, authentic, and in tune with emerging trends, event professionals can continue to leverage TikTok to drive successful event campaigns and capture the imaginations of their target audiences.

7 Best Trade Show Lead Capture Apps for Easy Retrieval Mon, 23 Oct 2023 07:46:30 +0000 Trade shows are fertile grounds for lead generation and offer a thriving environment of networking and relationship-building. All the industry insiders and entrepreneurs converge here to showcase what they’ve got, forge partnerships, and exchange ideas.  

Trade shows involve significant investment; to justify it, it only makes sense to measure the ROI.  Instead of scrambling manually, invest in a trade show lead capture app to collect and manage lead data. With the help of the right trade show lead capture app, you can save time and get data-driven insights to measure returns and alter future strategies accordingly. 

Best Trade Show Lead Capture Apps 

The selection of the right lead capture app that aligns with your unique needs and objectives can highly influence the success of a trade show. It can be daunting to find the perfect fit with a plethora of options available offering tons of features.


Here we have listed the best trade show lead capture apps and discussed their features to help you with your decision: 

1. vFairs Lead Capture App

vfairs logo

vFairs is an award-winning event management platform that offers tools for the smooth sailing of trade shows and other virtual, hybrid, and in-person events.

Central to vFairs’ arsenal of event management is its trade show lead capture app. It empowers organizers to collect, manage, and harness the full potential of lead data for post-event success. This trade show lead generation app equips exhibitors with the tools to capture leads in multiple ways and empower them to measure ROI with event analytics. They can also add context to each lead, ensuring that the connections made at the event are meaningful and actionable. Let’s talk about some of the main features: 

Create an Event and Invite Exhibitors

You can use the vFairs lead capture app to set up your trade show and send invite links to exhibitors and sponsors via email. They will later accept the invite and log in to the app with their own credentials. Now they can start capturing leads at the trade show. 

vfairs trade show lead capture app

Effortless Exhibitor Lead Capture

With the vFairs trade show lead capture app, exhibitors and sponsors can say goodbye to manual work. This app enables you to scan attendee badges, QR codes, and physical business cards swiftly and accurately. All the attendee data will be saved and you will be able to use this data for future analysis. 

There are three methods to add lead information in the vFairs trade show lead capture app:

  • Scan a QR code from attendee badges or their vFairs event mobile app to add their information as a potential lead.
  • Scan an attendee’s business card and the lead retrieval app will read the text from the photo and save the information. 
  • You can manually type the details in and add a lead into the app. 

scan leads with vFairs trade show lead capture app

Add Context to Your Leads

You can categorize leads by adding tags or ratings for organized data. You can mark each lead as cold, warm, hot, or urgent. It allows you to add notes to each lead from your conversations, making follow-up interactions more personal and engaging. 

vfairs lead capture app allows you to add tags and notes with leads

Enable Exhibitors to Work in Teams 

Since trade shows are the epicenter of lead generation, it needs more than one person to compile all the data. Exhibitors can invite sales representatives, or team members to join their accounts within the vFairs lead capture app. Working together as a team, they can categorize leads, prioritize follow-up, and ensure no valuable connection is left unattended.

Filter Search to View Leads 

The filter search feature of the vFairs trade show lead capture app empowers you to view and manage your leads with precision and ease. It acts as a central repository to organize the lead data. You can input a specific keyword that can be a name, tag, or category to display all relevant results.

filter search in vfairs trade show lead capture app

Sync Lead Data

vFairs seamlessly synchronizes the lead capture app to your vFairs event app or the virtual event platform. Once you sync your data across all platforms, you can easily import it to a CRM or Martech solution of your choice. This way you get to save time spent on uploading all the data manually thus removing human errors and inefficiencies. 

vfairs trade show lead capture app is synced with hubspot, salesforce, marketo

Real-time Reporting and Analytics

vFairs trade show lead capture app offers visual reports and dashboards to provide a clear and concise overview of the lead data. You get to spot trends and patterns at a glance and gauge the event’s ROI. 

These event-based analytics help you measure scan counts and leads captured per exhibitor and sponsor at the event through visual reporting data. It helps you evaluate their individual contributions to the event’s success. Armed with this data, you can optimize resource allocation and make data-driven decisions in the future. 

real time analytics in trade show lead capture app by vFairs

Pros and Cons


“A lead retrieval system on the mobile app was a fantastic benefit, as it eliminated the need for an additional app for our event attendees to download. The various features made available by vFairs allowed for a very user-friendly experience.”

Jonathan C. 

“This platform has also been a great lead generation campaign for our partners who chose to have a virtual presence.”

Rachel B. 

“[vFairs] helped to strengthen our lead generation strategy, not merely during the conference, but also afterward with post-event engagements and promotions. Additionally, the comprehensive reporting and responsible data-capturing mechanisms were a plus!”

Janiel S. 


“The only downside is… some of the language used which is more appropriate for trade shows as opposed to universities.”

Janet J. 

2. Cvent LeadCapture

cvent logo

The Cvent LeadCapture app allows your exhibitors and sponsors to gather all the leads at a trade show in one application. It helps exhibitors build relationships with attendees and engage with them. They can track who they met and later follow up using the Cvent lead capture app. However, the solution is on the pricier side and not suitable for single exhibitors or small events. Let’s take a look at some of the features: 

Real-time Lead Qualification

The Cvent lead capture app can be used to assess leads in real-time. Exhibitors and sponsors can scan business cards or name badges to capture leads at trade shows and qualify them on the spot. During this custom qualification process, they can prioritize leads to make post-event follow-ups more meaningful. 

cvent trade show lead capture app

Export Leads 

With the Cvent LeadCapture app, exhibitors can export leads on demand to save time and eliminate the risk of error. All the data can be transferred to CRMs. The app also offers protected data privacy so that data is not misused. 

Track Performance

Exhibitors can track the number of leads captured during the event. With the reporting capabilities of the app, exhibitors can check lead quality metrics and other KPIs to evaluate the impact of their event participation. 

Pros and Cons 


“Easy to use, intuitive, great to keep track of things at conferences, easy to pull up and review data later at the office.”

Anthony B. 

“We enjoy going to events and getting as many leads to come back to our Lab to have potential new clients.”

Caitlyn D. 


“This was a pricey solution for what it is. Not as well integrated with the other Cvent applications as I would have hoped”

Michael H. 

“There are many glitches with the platform. Once, I was using a whole registree list but part of the list was unavailable from one day to another making it very hard to perform my job the next day.”

User in Financial Service 

3. Whova 

whova logo

The trade show lead capture app by Whova is designed to help organizers and exhibitors collect all the lead data in one place at trade shows. This allows them to manage and organize leads and connect with them after the event. However, G2 users find limits in lead capture for events that are not uploaded to the Whova platform. 

Here are some features of the Whova trade show lead capture app: 

Collect Leads in One Place

There are two methods of collecting leads at trade shows with the Whova lead capture app. One is by scanning the QR codes of each attendee and collecting their data in one place and the other one is by adding a lead manually. Exhibitors and sponsors can even search for different leads by adding their names to the search bar. 

whova lead capture

Exchange Virtual Business Cards

Exhibitors can scan the mobile business cards of attendees in the Whova lead capture app at in-person trade shows. The business cards can also be exchanged virtually and the data can later be used to contact the leads. 

Export Leads to CRM

All the lead data collected at virtual or in-person booths can be exported to CRMs directly. Whova allows you to connect with different CRMs through Zapier as long as it supports certain integrations. 

Get Lead Insights

The Whova trade show lead capture app allows exhibitors to explore SmartProfiles of the captured leads and follow up accordingly. They can also identify leads, schedule meetings with them, and connect via audio/video chat within the app. 

Pros and Cons


“It allowed me to do lead generation, save leads, and create my own meetup/event within an event.”

Joshua N.

“Solves getting the name and email address of the lead quickly.”

Andy C. 


“When updating the lead information on the desktop, the view screen is not the same as the edit screen. to import the phone number, I had to copy it from the edit screen because it was not available from the view screen”

Alberto Q. 

“For some events, lead generation is limited if you are an exhibitor or sponsor at a conference that is listed on the Whova site. In other words, you can’t access delegate information so it limits targeting to some degree and you don’t get any results at all for an event if it is not uploaded to Whova.”

User in Construction

4. 6Connex

6connex logo

The 6Connex badge scanning app, called Eventory Scanner, allows exhibitors to capture leads at trade shows. All the data collected by scanning user QR codes is encrypted and GDPR compliant. However, users have faced usability issues while using the app. Here are the top features of the trade show lead capture app by 6Connex for a deep analysis of the app: 

Collect and Distribute Lead Information

Exhibitors and sponsors can scan trade show leads in real time and collect their information for future connections. This information can be shared with other stakeholders and team members to analyze and follow up with. 

6connex lead capture

Readily Available Lead Data

All the collected lead information is readily available in the 6Connex badge scanning app for use during and after the trade shows. 

CRM Integrations 

The 6Connex trade show lead capture app allows data export to CRM platforms including Eloqua,, and Marketo. 

Pros and Cons

“6connex comes in lead follow up and statistics retrieved from the meetings are very important for our business.”

User in Education Management 


“Terrible usability. menus and content of the screen, no scroll bar. They really need to rethink this.”

User in Biotechnology

5. iCapture 

icapture logo

The iCapture platform allows exhibitors and sponsors to capture trade show leads by scanning attendee badges at the time of the event. Exhibitors can use a star system to rate leads and categorize them for future use. They can also take notes for context. However, G2 users believe that the app uses outdated terminologies and doesn’t differentiate between a lead and total engagements. 

Capture Lead Data

Their badge scanning technology can integrate details including emails, interests, buying habits, signatures, phone numbers, and addresses. It can scan QR codes, 2D barcodes, and RID to gather information on each attendee. 

icapture lead capture app for trade shows

Human Transcribed and Verified Data

Most trade show lead capture apps use optical character recognition (OCR) technology to pull text from a business card. However, the iCapture app sends the image of the business card to a human to transcribe the data from the card and verify it. All the lead data from the app is entered into a spreadsheet that you can access on their site. 

Sync Data with CRM

The iCapture trade show lead capture app is integrated with CRMs such as Salesforce, Pradot, Hubspot, etc. All the lead data will automatically sync with any CRM that you are using.

Pros and Cons 


“The system is completely integrated with our MAP and our CRM, and the mapping was made easy with our Account Executive. I can see who has and has not downloaded the application, making it super easy to send out reminders to those specific people.”

Alex G. 


“It would be nice to be able to update some of the terminology in the platform to work for our organization. For example, every scan is referred to as a “lead” when really our view of it is the total shown is total engagements.”

User in Hospital and Healthcare 

6. Webex Events (formerly Socio)

webex logo

Webex Events, formerly known as Socio, is designed to provide actionable lead data to exhibitors for their tradeshow lead capture process. Exhibitors can scan QR codes at their booths and collect information about all the attendees visiting. However, users have noticed a number of bugs and mentioned that the features do not work as described. 

Rate Leads and Add Notes 

With Webex’s lead retrieval app, exhibitors can qualify and rate leads within the trade show lead capture app. They can add personalized notes, enhancing lead context and paving the way for meaningful follow-up interactions. They can rate the leads on a 5-star-based system to prioritize the important ones. 

webex lead capture app

CRM Reporting

The app provides a dashboard that displays key metrics to analyze the performance and make changes. 

Exhibitor Self-Service 

Exhibitors can directly purchase licenses for their booth team and download the trade show lead capture app. The self-service approach eliminates the third party and helps exhibitors capture leads directly.

Pros and Cons 


“I like the lead retrieval capabilities of Webex events which are invaluable in getting contacts and leads. This tool has reliable data insights that are quite useful in assessing various aspects of events for informed decision making.”

Jonvic D. 

“Webex benefits me by saving me time and giving a solution that does not take much work to implement while also looking professional.”

User in Event Services


“Quite a lot of user experience bugs, features not working as described.”

Victor G. 

“The screen can be busy to look at and if you have a small conference, then it doesn’t seem worth the money.”

User in Non-Profit Organization Management 

7. Bizzabo 

bizzabo logo

Bizzabo offers a Lead Booster app designed to improve the way exhibitors capture, qualify, and leverage leads. However, some customers found technical difficulties in the Bizzabo app. Here are the features that this trade show lead capture app offers: 

Scanning QR Codes

The app allows exhibitors to scan QR codes from event attendee badges. With a swift scan, the lead data is collected within the trade show lead capture app. They can edit or update the data collected using badge scanning to correct any errors or add missing data. 

bizzabo lead capture app

Qualify Leads

Exhibitors can capture leads with a quick scan to record potential connections. The app allows them to qualify leads in real time. They can use default qualification questions or create their own to prioritize leads based on their unique criteria.

Built-in Lead Counter

Exhibitors can instantly see how many leads they have collected and gain real-time insights into their lead acquisition progress. They can search for a lead and edit the data and notes within the trade show lead capture app. 

Lead Reports

Bizzabo’s Lead Booster app equips exhibitors with lead reports that offer insights into lead acquisition and qualification. Exhibitors can access their full leads collected list directly from the app, review lead data, and edit lead notes as needed. Additionally, the trade show lead capture app allows for the instant export of the entire lead list in CSV format. 

Pros and Cons


“Very useful lead generation platform where we collect registrants’ data – we’ve even made a sale from a user who viewed one of our webinars.”

Nicholas S. 

“Having an interactive platform allowed us to generate valuable leads and to start the lead lifecycle with a great experience.”

User in Computer Software


“Not suitable for our requirements. We encountered technical difficulties and the features were not what we needed.”

Marcela S. 

“No customization, it’s a Saas platform, and you need to adapt your flow. No way to manage EU electronic invoicing in an easy way.”

User in Computer Software 

Choose the Right Trade Show Lead Capture App

Each trade show lead capture app we’ve explored offers a similar set of features however, the end user experience noted by users is very different. Do your research to understand if the app truly delivers the capabilities it promises. Besides the available features, responsiveness and adaptability of the app are extremely essential.

Opt for an app that is easy to use, scalable, and offers customization. Ideally, you want to choose an app that offers you and your exhibitors the flexibility to use it as individuals or across the entire team. Take the time to assess your specific needs and feature priorities. 

Here is a quick demo for vFairs.

In-person Job Fair Ideas for Employers to Hire Top Talent Fri, 20 Oct 2023 06:18:03 +0000 Picture this: there’s a vibrant hub of diverse talent and each candidate can be a potential game-changer for your organization. That’s what in-person job fairs offer. Your mission here is to identify exceptional individuals who possess the right qualifications, experience, and passion to drive your company forward. This blog will explore the in-person job fair ideas for employers to harness the full potential of these events. 

Job Fair Ideas for Pre-Event Planning

As an employer gearing up for an in-person job fair, the way to success starts long before the event starts. It begins with a strategic approach and understanding of how to prepare for a job fair as an employer. Let’s delve into job fair ideas that you can use during your planning and preparation: 

in person job fair ideas for employers

1. Define Your Goals

Setting specific aims provides a clear direction for your job fair efforts. Well-defined goals come with measurable outcomes so that you can assess the effectiveness of the event afterward. 

  • Make sure to align them with your organization’s aim. 
  • Follow the long-term talent acquisition strategy of your company. 
  • Keep the goals specific and measurable to evaluate output. 
  • Set realistic expectations. 
  • Prioritize the important goals to be completed first.
  • Be flexible to adapt as circumstances change. 

Most of the time employers set goals for in-person job fairs such as a certain number of resumes to be collected, number of candidates to meet, number of emails collected, and number of follow-ups received. 

2. Assemble a Planning Committee

A planning committee brings together individuals with diverse skills, expertise, and unique viewpoints to put together a well-organized event. From logistics to marketing and candidate engagement, each aspect of the job fair can be addressed by dividing responsibilities among the members. 

Here are some ways to assemble the dream team:

  • Include key stakeholders from different departments that play a role in the job fair hiring process and involve HR professionals and recruiters in the team.  
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of each member and communicate their expected contributions. 
  • Schedule regular committee meetings to brainstorm job fair ideas, discuss challenges, and evaluate progress. 
  • Assign specific tasks to committee members based on their expertise. You can assign promotional activities to the marketing representative and candidate interactions with HR professionals. 
  • Stay aligned with the goals of the job fair. Whether it’s attracting a certain number of candidates, or showcasing company culture, make sure every step aligns with it.

3. Develop a Marketing Strategy 

Standing out at a job fair as a company can’t just happen on the event floor. It is the promotional strategy that helps you connect with your target audience beforehand. You don’t just make a solid impression of your organization, but also attract more candidates to the job fair. This is one of the most effective job fair ideas for employers.

Here are some tips for developing a marketing strategy:

  • Define your goals that can be reaching the right audience and communicating your company culture. 
  • Craft compelling messaging that resonates with your audience. 
  • Choose the right channels to promote the event. They can be social media platforms, email campaigns, job fair websites, and traditional advertising methods. 
  • Repurpose content that you already have. 
  • Design a countdown strategy to build anticipation.
  • Measure the metrics and adjust the strategy as needed.
  • Develop engaging content to capture attention and convey your message effectively. 

content repurposing strategy vfairs

To drive engagement, employers can create a variety of compelling content types, such as informative blog posts, engaging videos showcasing company culture, and job role spotlights. Leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook can help distribute this content to a wide audience.  

4. Review Candidate Profiles Before the Event

You can get access to the event mobile app or a list of registered candidates along with their resumes from the event host. Accessing this data before the event can help you create a list of people you want to connect with during the event or even contact to set up an interview for the event time. This way you will be able to make the most of the time spent on the booth and will be able to hire the best matches for the positions.

candidate profiles in an in-person job fair
Search Applicant’s Resume

5. Keep a List of Available Jobs Updated

Sometimes during the event, you want to offer a job opening for a certain time. You can activate and deactivate any job openings in your booth. You can also deactivate a job position if you have already collected enough resumes and you do not want to accept any more applications. This not only keeps the booth organized but also allows employers to control the openings. 

job listings in vfairs mobile app

Best Practices For Participating In A Job Fair 

The moment has arrived. You’ve meticulously prepared for the job fair, your marketing efforts have generated buzz, and candidates are streaming toward your booth with anticipation. Now, it’s time to seize the opportunity. Let’s dive into job fair ideas to make the most of your on-site presence. 

1. Set up an Engaging Booth

Your booth is often the first point of contact candidates have with your organization. It sets the tone for their entire experience at the job fair. Invest in a visually appealing booth design that showcases the employer’s brand and displays matching colors, logos, and messaging. Consider incorporating bold graphics and signage to draw attention.

Create interactive elements that encourage candidates to engage with your booth. This could include games, quizzes, or touchscreens with information about your company. One of the most underrated job fair ideas is to offer branded swag items because they leave a lasting impression. These can be simple items like pens, notepads, or more creative, industry-specific gifts. A cartoonist making quick sketches of the attendees can also be a fun way to enhance the experience. 

in-person job fair ideas to set up engaging booths

2. Collect Candidate Information and Resumes

This step helps you keep track of promising prospects and lays the foundation for post-event follow-up and future recruitment efforts. Employ digital tools and software for efficient data collection. You can prepare custom forms that candidates can fill out quickly by scanning QR codes. They can also upload their resume within the forms. If you like to keep it physical, print the forms and organize them once filled along with the resumes. 

collecting resumes in in-person job fair

3. Display Employee Testimonials to Show the Company’s Culture

At a job fair, candidates are not just looking for job opportunities; they are seeking an organization that aligns with their values and work style. Displaying employee testimonials at your booth can be a powerful tool to convey what it’s like to work in your company. Hearing from current employees builds trust and relatability with potential candidates. It humanizes your organization and makes it more approachable.

Here are some tips for displaying testimonials at your booth:

  • Showcase diverse perspectives from employees at different levels, roles, and departments.
  • Try highlighting specific aspects of your company culture, such as teamwork, work-life balance, and growth opportunities. 
  • Use interactive displays or touchscreens where candidates can browse through a collection of testimonials.

4. Tag Candidates and Add Notes

When connecting with many people during the event, it can be hard to keep track of the ones you would want to contact afterward. One of the useful job fair ideas is to add notes with each candidate’s profile and jot down any important points you would like to remember. You can mention some interesting parts of the conversation or a skill that caught your eye. 

You can also tag some candidates and add favorites. This can be a list of candidates that will be getting a follow up or you would like to set up interviews with them. 

vfairs lead capture app allows you to add tags and notes with leads

5. Handle Candidate Queries

Be approachable and create a warm environment at your booth to welcome candidates. Make sure that your booth staff is trained to guide the candidates about company culture, open positions, application process, and other details. They should engage candidates in meaningful conversations to learn more about their skills and aspirations. 

Here are some tips to follow when dealing with candidate questions:

  • Anticipate common questions and prepare FAQs.
  • Direct candidates to relevant resources, such as the website, application portal, and informational brochures for details.
  • Handle sensitive topics, such as salary or benefits, with tact and transparency.
  • Maintain a positive attitude even when asked repetitive or challenging questions. 
  • Guide candidates on the next steps which can be applying online or scheduling an interview.
  • Share contact details for follow-up inquiries. 

in-person job fair snippets

Next Steps: After the In-person Job Fair

The true measure of success at a job fair often lies in what you do next. As the event hall quiets down, the potential of your participation begins to unfold. Here are job fair ideas for employers after the event has ended: 

1. Perform Post Event Follow-up 

The real magic of talent acquisition often happens during the post-event follow-up phase. Here you can nurture connections, express appreciation, and take tangible steps toward turning potential candidates into valuable team members. 

Send Thank-you Emails

Within 24-48 hours of the job fair, send personalized appreciation emails to candidates you interact with. Reiterate the key selling points about your organization and provide the next steps. End the email with your contact details and encourage them to get back to you.  

Schedule Interviews

Once you’ve identified strong candidates, schedule interviews as soon as possible. Offer flexible time options to choose from and clearly outline the goal of the interview so the candidates come prepared. 

2. Analyze Key Metrics for Future Reference 

By identifying strengths and areas for improvement, you can refine your job fair ideas and approach, increasing your chances of success in future events. Let’s dive into the key metrics to follow:

  • Measure the level of engagement your booth received during the event. 
  • Track the number of leads collected, including candidate information and resumes. 
  • Calculate the percentage of leads generated that progressed to the interview or next stage of the job fair hiring process.
  • Assess the overall cost in relation to the number of hires made to measure ROI.
  • Collect feedback from candidates about their experience at your booth.  

event analytics from in-person job fairs


During job fairs, candidates are not just considered for positions but as potential partners in a shared journey toward success. It is evident that in-person job fairs hold immense value for employers. 

However, their success depends on implementing effective job fair ideas for detailed planning, strategic execution, and thoughtful post-event actions. With dedication and vision, employers can seize the opportunities presented by job fairs, secure top talent, and propel their organizations toward new heights of achievement. 

Also, check out this podcast on tips to attract the best candidates in virtual open days.

Tips to Attract the Best Applicants w/Virtual Open Days | CHAPTER 5 | Epic Events by vFairs | APR 21 nonadult
Job Fair Tips: 7 Ways to Set Yourself Apart In-Person Thu, 19 Oct 2023 11:41:46 +0000 In the competitive landscape of job searching, a job fair can be your golden ticket to starting your dream career. With the right knowledge and preparation, you can maximize your chances of leaving a job fair with promising job prospects and interview invitations. 

Benefits of Attending In-Person Job Fairs

Today online job applications and virtual interviews have become commonplace. You might be wondering why in-person job fairs still hold relevance. The truth is that attending in-person job fairs offers a multitude of unique advantages that cannot be replicated in the virtual realm. 

  • Face-to-Face Networking: You get an invaluable opportunity to network directly with hiring managers, recruiters, and company representatives and build a personal connection.
  • Real-time Interaction: You can ask questions, clarify doubts, and receive immediate responses to gain a better understanding of the companies and open positions.
  • Elevate Your Application: Recruiters are more likely to remember a candidate they met in person, potentially increasing your chances of being selected for an interview.
  • Skill Development: In-person job fairs provide an excellent platform to hone your communication skills, practice your elevator pitch, and receive immediate feedback.
  • Multiple Opportunities in One Place: In-person job fairs offer the convenience of accessing multiple employers in a single location and save time. By following job fair tips, you can effectively utilize these opportunities. vfairs face to face event networking

In-person Job Fair Tips 

Job fairs offer a chance to directly interact with potential employers and showcase your skills. As you prepare to attend an in-person job fair, it’s essential to equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies that will set you apart from the crowd. 

Here are some job fair tips to help you land your ideal job: 

1. Research the Participating Companies 

This is one of the most common yet effective in-person job fair tips but how exactly do you implement it?  Get a list of the participating companies available on the job fair’s website and delve into their background, products, services, and recent achievements.

Understand the specific job openings that resonate with your career aspirations and formulate thoughtful questions to show your genuine interest. You can ask about the company’s corporate culture, opportunities for career growth, or the skills they value in potential hires. This way you get to showcase your dedication and preparedness to your potential future employer and stand out of the crowd. 

job fair with participating companies' booths 2. Craft an Elevator Pitch

Create a concise and compelling introduction of yourself that can be delivered in around 30 seconds. It serves as your verbal business card, leaving a memorable impression on recruiters and potential employers. Here are some job fair tips that you need to focus on when creating your elevator pitch:

  • Start with a Hook: Begin with a relevant statistic, personal story, quotation, or a compelling question from your field. 
  • Highlight Your Value: Clearly articulate your skills, qualifications, and what sets you apart from other candidates. 
  • Be Enthusiastic: Infuse your pitch with passion for your chosen field to leave a lasting impression.
  • Show Confidence: Maintain eye contact, speak clearly, and exude confidence while delivering your pitch. 
  • Be Prepared for Questions: Be ready for follow-up questions, anticipate what recruiters might ask, and have concise responses ready.

The right elevator pitch can spark meaningful conversations at in-person job fairs and enhance the chances of success for job seekers.

3. Be Organized and Strategize Your Time 

Attending a job fair can be an overwhelming experience due to the multitude of social interactions. Determine your goals clearly, whether it’s securing interviews, collecting information about companies, or expanding your professional network. 

Prioritize what companies you want to visit based on your research and goals and go through their job listings. Focus on the jobs you definitely want, but remain open to exploring unexpected opportunities. 

Create a rough timeline for your day. Allocate specific time slots for visiting the companies you want to work for, attending presentations, and taking breaks. The job fair tips regarding preparation will help you make the most out of your time at the job fair. 

4. Dress Properly 

Different industries and companies may have varying expectations when it comes to dress codes. Before attending the job fair, research the event’s dress code and consider the industry norms. While dressing professionally is essential, it’s also important to feel comfortable as you will be wearing it for an extended period of time. Choose clothing that reflects your personal style while aligning with professional expectations.

This is one of the easiest job fair tips to follow and can really help lift your spirits. 

in-person job fair tips for men to dress up

Job Fair Dressing Tips for Men

Opt for a business casual ensemble, which strikes the right balance between professionalism and comfort. Here are some dressing options for men:

  • Choose a well-fitted button-down shirt in a solid color or subtle pattern.
  • Pair your shirt with dress pants or chinos in a coordinating color. 
  • Choose a classic navy or charcoal blazer for a more professional look.
  • Wear polished, comfortable dress shoes that match your outfit. 
  • Keep accessories minimal with a belt that matches your shoes, and a simple wristwatch.

Job Fair Dressing Tips for Women

Wear attire that allows you to move comfortably and confidently. Check out these dressing options for women at a job fair to look professional:

  • Wear a clean and pressed blouse in a solid color or a soft pattern.
  • Pair it with a knee-length skirt or slacks in a coordinating color. 
  • Add a blazer or cardigan for a sophisticated look. 
  • Wear closed-toe, comfortable shoes to move around easily. 
  • Add accessories such as small earrings, a subtle necklace, and a wristwatch.

5. Don’t Hesitate to Engage and Network

One of the primary reasons for attending an in-person job fair is to network and build valuable connections with potential employers, recruiters, and fellow job seekers. Make sure to take part in all the activities and approach others with a positive attitude. 

Don’t forget these networking tips at a job fair: 

  • Be authentic during interactions.
  • Actively listen to others and ask relevant questions.
  • Share your unique experiences.
  • Respect personal space and maintain professionalism.
  • Exchange your contact information for the future. 
  • Follow recruiters and attendees on LinkedIn and other social media platforms. 

Live Chat

6. Overcome Nervousness and Anxiety

It’s completely normal to experience overwhelming emotions when stepping into a high-stakes environment where first impressions matter. Here are some in-person job fair tips to help you calm your nerves and ensure you put your best foot forward:

  • Go prepared, because familiarity breeds confidence and that helps you present yourself better.
  • Practice commonly asked questions at job fairs before going. Use a mirror, ask a friend to help, or use AI to warm up.
  • Arrive early to acclimate yourself to the job fair surroundings and ease into the environment. 
  • Take deep breaths to calm your nerves and remind yourself what you’re capable of.
  • Bring along a close friend or a family member as your emotional support system.
  • Maintain a positive mindset and be self-compassionate. 
  • Interact with peers to share challenges and experiences for a sense of support. 
  • Seek professional help to deal with such situations. 

You are more than what you give yourself credit for so find out your capabilities and don’t give up. 

in person job fair attendees interacting

7. Follow-Up After the Event 

When the job fair is over, it’s time to transform connections into opportunities. Connect with the professionals you met on LinkedIn with personalized connection requests. Within a day or two of the event, send personalized emails to the recruiters, company representatives, and individuals you met. 

Here you can refer to specific points of your conversation to make the email more memorable. Reinforce your interest in the company or job roles you discussed. Don’t forget to attach your resume to the email for context. 

Be patient in awaiting responses as it may take some time for recruiters to respond. As you receive responses and move through the application process, evaluate your progress. Adjust your strategy based on feedback and outcomes.

Common Mistakes You Need to Avoid at Job Fairs

In-person job fairs offer valuable opportunities and navigating the pitfalls is essential to increase your chances of success. Here are some common mistakes to stay clear of at job fairs: 

1. Not Asking the Hiring Team Questions

Engaging with company representatives and seeking information shows your interest in the position. Don’t hesitate to inquire about what the hiring team is looking for in entry-level candidates, the types of projects they’re working on, and the specific skill sets they require. Asking questions not only shows your genuine interest but also provides you with valuable insights that can help improve your approach and applications.

2. Not Tailoring Your Introduction to the Company’s Needs

Approaching every company with the same generic introduction is a missed opportunity. Each company has unique needs and values, and tailoring your introduction to align with these is essential. When engaging with recruiters, demonstrate your awareness of the company’s mission, achievements, and industry position. Show how your skills and qualifications can contribute to their specific goals. 

3. Disregarding Feedback

Mistakes are a natural part of any learning process. Constructive feedback highlights areas where you may have made errors. Use it as an opportunity to refine your approach, grow and improve. You can even get in touch with the recruiters after the event to ask for feedback that you can apply to future job fairs and interviews. 

4. Neglecting Soft Skills

Active listening, empathy, and effective communication are often undervalued by job seekers. These play a crucial role in making a positive impression and building rapport. Be positive, thoughtful, and helpful towards your peers and anyone attending. 


In-person job fairs offer an opportunity-rich environment where your preparation, approach, and attitude can significantly influence your career trajectory. It’s about crafting meaningful connections and positioning yourself as a top candidate for the opportunities you desire. Your goal should be to make the most of your time here, book interviews, and advance your career. Adopting these job fair tips will help you develop contacts for the long run. 


How can job fair tips help me secure a job?

Job fair tips offer valuable guidance on how to stand out to potential employers, make meaningful connections, and increase your chances of securing interviews and job offers.

Is networking important at job fairs?

Job fair tips often emphasize effective networking strategies. Building relationships with recruiters and fellow job seekers can lead to valuable insights, connections, and job opportunities. 

Can in-person job fair tips be applied to virtual job fairs?

Yes, many job fair tips are applicable to both in-person and virtual job fairs. Strategies for networking, dressing professionally, and making a positive impression are relevant in both settings.

In-Person Meeting vs Virtual: Which Is Right for You? Tue, 10 Oct 2023 18:33:07 +0000 Meetings have evolved significantly over time. We’re now having a big debate about whether it’s better to meet in person or online, especially as our world becomes more flexible, tech-savvy, and environmentally conscious. Choosing the right meeting format has become more crucial than ever, with each option offering a unique set of benefits and drawbacks.

In this blog, we delve deep into the pros and cons of an in-person meeting vs virtual. By the end, you’ll be equipped with the insights needed to make an informed choice, tailored to your specific needs.

In-Person Meetings

An in-person meeting refers to a gathering or interaction where participants physically assemble in the same location, such as a conference room, office, or any physical venue. It allows attendees to interact face-to-face, engaging in direct conversations, observing body language, and making eye contact. In-person meetings provide a tangible sense of presence and immediacy

Benefits of In-Person Meetings

1. Face-to-Face Interaction

In-person meetings offer the unique advantage of real, physical presence. Participants can shake hands, make eye contact, and interpret body language, which enhances the quality of communication. These personal touches foster connections that transcend the limitations of digital communication.

Attendees interacting face-to-face at an In-person event
In-person events are an excellent environment to foster face-to-face connection

2. Building Rapport and Trust

There’s an inherent sense of trust that develops when people share the same physical space. In-person meetings create opportunities for small talk, informal bonding, and personal interactions that lay the foundation for solid professional relationships. Trust and rapport are easier to establish face-to-face.

3. Leveraging Non-Verbal Communication

Words alone can sometimes fall short of conveying the full depth of a message. In-person meetings allow participants to pick up on non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures, and body language. This nuanced communication ensures a deeper and more accurate understanding of the message being conveyed.

Drawbacks of In-Person Meetings

1. Impact of Travel Expenses and Time

One of the significant drawbacks of in-person meetings is the need for physical presence, which often involves substantial travel expenses and time commitments. Travel costs, accommodation, and time away from work can strain budgets and schedules.

2. Limitations in Scheduling Flexibility

Coordinating the schedules of all meeting participants for an in-person meeting can be challenging. Difficulty in accommodating everyone’s availability leads to scheduling conflicts and potential disruptions.

3. Considerations for Environmental Impact

In today’s eco-conscious world, the carbon footprint associated with in-person meetings, especially those involving long-distance travel, raises environmental concerns. The environmental impact of travel is an important consideration for organizations aiming to reduce their carbon emissions.

Virtual Meetings

A virtual meeting is a meeting conducted through digital communication tools and platforms, typically over the Internet. Participants join these meetings remotely from various locations using computers, smartphones, or other internet-connected devices. Virtual meetings can include video conferences, audio conferences, webinars, or any form of online collaboration where attendees interact electronically, rather than being physically present in the same room.

Two attendees at a Virtual Meeting
Virtual Meeting

Benefits of Virtual Meetings

1. Accessibility and Convenience

Virtual meetings break down geographical barriers, allowing participants to join from anywhere in the world. This level of accessibility fosters inclusivity and flexibility, making it easier for diverse teams from different locations to collaborate effectively.

2. Cost-Efficiency

Virtual meetings significantly eliminate travel expenses, accommodation costs, and the need to rent venues. Organizations can realize substantial cost savings while still achieving their meeting objectives.

3. Overcoming Geographic Barriers

Virtual meetings eliminate the limitations imposed by physical locations. Whether connecting with clients, partners, or team members, virtual meetings ensure that geography does not impede communication and collaboration.

Drawbacks of Virtual Meetings

1. Navigating the Lack of Physical Presence

One of the challenges of virtual meetings is the absence of face-to-face interaction. While technology facilitates communication, the lack of physical presence can sometimes hinder relationship-building, making it harder to establish trust and rapport.

2. Tackling Technical Challenges

Virtual meetings rely on technology and internet connectivity. Technical glitches, poor internet connections, and software issues can disrupt the flow of virtual meetings, leading to frustration and delays.

3. Addressing Potential Distractions

Virtual meetings often take place in environments like homes or remote workplaces, which can be prone to distractions. Attendees may struggle to stay fully engaged, leading to potential interruptions and reduced productivity.

Key Differences Between In-Person Meeting vs Virtual

When deciding between a physical meeting vs virtual meeting, it’s essential to recognize the distinct advantages and drawbacks of each format. Let’s delve deeper into these key differences to help you make an informed choice:

Communication Dynamics

In-person meetings shine in terms of communication dynamics. They allow for rich, nuanced interactions facilitated by non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures, and body language. This depth in communication enables participants to pick up on subtle cues, facilitating a more profound understanding of the message being conveyed. It’s an ideal setting for sensitive discussions, negotiations, or brainstorming sessions that require a high level of interpersonal communication.

On the other hand, virtual meetings tend to lean towards more concise and direct exchanges. While technology has made it possible to communicate effectively, the absence of physical presence can sometimes limit the depth of interactions. Virtual meetings often necessitate clear and well-structured communication to compensate for the lack of non-verbal cues. They are better suited for straightforward information-sharing and decision-making processes.

  • In-person meetings excel in nuanced communication with non-verbal cues, while virtual meetings lean toward concise exchanges, each serving distinct communication needs.

Engagement Levels

The physical presence of participants in in-person meetings naturally fosters higher levels of engagement. Attendees are more likely to be actively involved in discussions, and the dynamic energy of face-to-face interactions promotes spontaneous engagement. This format is particularly effective for team-building activities, workshops, and collaborative problem-solving where active participation is crucial.

Virtual meetings require deliberate strategies to maintain attendee focus and active participation. The absence of physical presence can sometimes lead to distractions, reduced engagement, and passive listening. Meeting organizers often need to employ interactive tools, breakout sessions, and engaging content to keep participants actively involved. While it may require extra effort, virtual meetings can still achieve high levels of engagement with the right virtual event management platform.

  • In-person meetings naturally boost engagement through physical presence, whereas virtual meetings demand deliberate strategies to combat distractions and promote active participation

Budget Considerations

In-person meetings often come with higher budget requirements. Travel expenses, including transportation, accommodation, and meals, can add up significantly, especially for meetings involving participants from different locations. Venue rental, audiovisual equipment, and other logistical costs contribute to the overall expenditure.

Virtual meetings are generally more budget-friendly. They eliminate travel-related expenses, saving on transportation, accommodation, and associated costs. Additionally, there is no need to rent physical venues or invest in extensive A/V equipment. Virtual meetings are a cost-effective alternative that can be particularly advantageous when financial resources are limited.

  • In-person meetings are costly due to travel, accommodation, and venue expenses, while virtual meetings are budget-friendly, saving on travel and logistics.
Event Budgeting List
Event Budgeting

Environmental Impact

In-person meetings typically have a higher environmental impact due to travel-related factors. Air and ground transportation, along with accommodations, can generate significant carbon emissions. This aspect of in-person meetings has become a point of concern for organizations striving to minimize their environmental footprint.

Whereas, virtual meetings have a distinct advantage in terms of environmental impact. By reducing or eliminating the need for travel, they contribute to lower carbon emissions. Moreover, all content is digital, which reduces paper wastage. This aligns with sustainability goals and promotes environmentally responsible practices. Organizations committed to reducing their carbon footprint often choose virtual meetings as part of their sustainability initiatives. vFairs has also launched the Green and Global initiative to assist organizations in hosting environmentally friendly events and mitigating the harmful impacts of climate change.

  • In-person meetings generate higher carbon emissions from travel, while virtual meetings are more environmentally friendly, aligning with sustainability goals.
vFairs Green and Global Initiative for Sustainable Events
vFairs Green and Global Initiative

What Should You Choose?

Choosing between virtual vs in-person meetings is not a one-size-fits-all decision. To make the right choice, you need to consider several crucial factors that align with your specific objectives and constraints. Here’s an in-depth look at what you should take into account:

Defining the Meeting’s Purpose and Goals

Begin by clearly defining the purpose and objectives of your meeting. Ask yourself:

  • What is the primary goal of this meeting? Is it for information sharing, decision-making, relationship-building, brainstorming, training, or something else?
  • Are there specific outcomes or deliverables expected from this meeting?
  • How critical is the need for interpersonal communication and non-verbal cues in achieving the meeting’s goals?
  • Does the nature of the discussion require confidentiality or sensitivity that might be better suited to an in-person setting?

Understanding the meeting’s purpose and goals is the foundation upon which you can build the rest of your decision-making process.

Considering Attendees Locations

The geographical location of your meeting participants plays a significant role in your decision. Ask yourself:

  • Where are your attendees located? Are they spread out across different cities, states, or even countries?
  • Are there logistical challenges or visa requirements that attendees might face if an in-person meeting is chosen?
  • Does the meeting involve external clients, partners, or stakeholders who may have their own constraints?

The location and availability of your participants can heavily influence the feasibility and practicality of either meeting format.

Navigating Budget Constraints

Budget considerations are a critical aspect of your decision-making process. Take into account:

  • What is the budget allocated for this meeting, and how does it align with the costs associated with your chosen format?
  • Are there cost savings associated with a virtual meeting, such as reduced travel, accommodation, and venue expenses?
  • Will the budget accommodate any additional expenses related to technology, virtual meeting platforms, or engagement tools for a virtual meeting?

Balancing your budgetary constraints with your meeting’s objectives is essential to ensure that your chosen format is financially sustainable.

Guiding the Decision-Making Process

Once you’ve gathered information and considered the factors mentioned above, it’s essential to establish a structured decision-making process. This might involve:

  • Creating a decision matrix that quantifies and ranks the importance of each factor based on your meeting’s unique characteristics.
  • Engaging key stakeholders and decision-makers to ensure alignment with organizational objectives and policies.
  • Conducting a cost-benefit analysis that weighs the financial implications of each format against the meeting’s expected outcomes.
  • Seeking feedback and input from potential attendees to gauge their preferences and concerns.

Key Takeaway

In comparison to meeting in-person vs online, in-person meetings offer an irreplaceable personal touch. Virtual meetings, on the other hand, offer convenience and accessibility. Your choice should reflect your unique goals, constraints, and values. Ultimately, it’s not about whether in-person or virtual meetings are better, it’s about choosing the format that best serves your audience’s needs!


Why in-person meetings are better than virtual ones?

In-person meetings excel over virtual ones when deepening relationships, handling complex discussions, and fostering team building and brainstorming sessions. They provide the crucial human touch, non-verbal cues, and immediate interaction needed for these aspects of effective communication and collaboration.

What are the benefits of in-person meetings vs virtual?

In-person meetings excel in scenarios that require complex discussions, relationship cultivation, and team-building. In contrast, virtual meetings provide accessibility and cost-efficiency, overcoming geographical barriers and reducing travel-related expenses.

What are the benefits of virtual meetings vs in-person?

Virtual meetings are highly convenient, eliminating the need for travel, reducing costs, and accommodating participants from diverse locations. Virtual meetings also promote inclusivity and flexibility, making it easier to schedule and join discussions.
